These units help you achieve your sustainability goals by helping you save substantially on your energy costs invariably bringing down your carbon footprints. A significant part of the airflow management, they deliver desired performance by preventing the escaping of cold air and the recirculating if hot air.
The highly adjustable panels can be fitted to rack unit of every size .Backed by the very unique ‘pop-in clip’ the panels can be installed or removed in seconds without the need for screws or tools.
Each Panel is 6u. 10 sheets per carton. 60u per carton.
EZIBLANK® – 19″ and 23 ” 6RU Server Rack White Blanking Panels
in stock
These units help you achieve your sustainability goals by helping you save substantially on your energy costs invariably bringing down your carbon footprints. A significant part of the airflow management, they deliver desired performance by preventing the escaping of cold air and the recirculating if hot air.
The highly adjustable panels can be fitted to rack unit of every size .Backed by the very unique ‘pop-in clip’ the panels can be installed or removed in seconds without the need for screws or tools.
Each Panel is 6u. 10 sheets per carton. 60u per carton.
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